Friday, January 30, 2015

Good/Bad Email


I wanted to let you know in advance that I will not be in class on Friday, January 30th due to a family emergency. I have already talked to (Student name) and she will get a copy of all the assignments and notes for me. I will meet with her on Monday before class to assure I am up to date on all class assignments. 

Thank you, 

Annalise Harvey.

Hey, I'm not gonna be in class tomorrow. I'm busy. Thanks, Annalise.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

This picture has always been interesting to me because you can twist the story behind the photo however you want. When you first see the picture, you think it is a sad bride who was left and is crying on the train home. You could say the bride is running away, you could say she is crying because it didn't go her way. What is actually happening in this picture is that the bride was so belligerently drunk after her dream day, so her and her groom decided to take the train home after a long night out. She had her face in her hands because she was laughing so hard, and her dress is dirty from the couple running around the city. The picture can originally be thought out to be sad, but in reality it is a very happy story!