Thursday, April 2, 2015

Project Proposal

Annalise Harvey
Professor Walts
College Writing 2
March 19, 2015
Project Proposal

When picking a topic for a research paper it is important to choose a topic that interests the author, but can also be researched thoroughly. I chose to research the topic of suicide in teens because there is not only a lot of information that can be researched, but it is a topic that interests me. I plan to elaborate way teens commit suicide, the statistics of suicide in teens and high schools, and also focus on the mental illnesses that can cause someone to think about suicide. The three main sources I picked for my paper will be useful because they are all very factual. The sources will help me follow my ideas because they relate mainly on my main points. Three questions I have for my topic are as follows. Why are there so many suicide in teens, and has the number remained the same over time? If the number has risen, why? Why don't schools put more effort into making students more aware? If the amount of suicides is so high, schools should spend more time focusing on suicide awareness. In the future, will teen suicide still be happening as frequently as it is today? Judging by the statistics and if the number has been rising or falling over time. Finding the answers to these questions will help make my research stronger, and will make my paper more interesting and relative to readers.

Annotated Bibliography

Annalise Harvey
Professor Walts
College Writing 2
March 20, 2015
Annotated Bibliography
Bratsis, Michael E. "Preventing Teen Suicide." The Science Teacher 81.6 (2014): 14. ProQuest. Web. 27 Mar. 2015.
This source explains suicide in teens in more detail. It focuses on the main points of my research topics. The strong points of this article are shown in the amount of medical information, as medical information  is more informative. It has doctors and researchers’s professional facts. I personally think this topic relates almost perfectly to my topic. I would not be able to find a weak point, because it is all relative to my topic.
King, Keith A., and Rebecca A. Vidourek. "Teen depression and suicide: effective prevention and intervention strategies." The Prevention Researcher 19.4 (2012): 15+. Health Reference Center Academic. Web. 3 Apr. 2015.
This source gives resourceful information on different way to prevent teen suicide. This is important to my research because one of my main points is preventing the problem. This article not only gives information on suicide prevention, it has information on previous studies and statistics. The strong points of this article are found in the scholarly references used, and also in the information given. I believe this article will be very useful to my research.
Mahoney, Diana. "Pediatric News." Disordered Eating Linked to Thoughts of Suicide in Teens 42.8.Aug 2008 (2008): n. pag. Web. 26 Mar. 2015.
This article explains suicide in teenagers with eating disorders. I chose this topic because I think it is another factor leading to suicide in teens. It is a good source because of the references used. It is very factual and the information given will give me a strong source.
Strunk, Catherine M., Michael T. Sorter, Julianne Ossege, and Keith A. King. The Journal of School Nursing 30 (2014): 366-75. Emotionally Troubled Teens' Help-Seeking Behaviors: An Evaluation of Surviving the Teens Suicide Prevention and Depression Awareness Program. 2 Apr. 2015. Web. 1 Oct. 2014.
This article gives effective information from teens who have felt the desire to commit suicide. It has teens who were depressed and have gone through a program to help them through the struggles. This is a good article to use to get a first hand view at teen suicide, which will help my research be more informative. 
"SOS Program Effective Tool in Teen Suicide Prevention." Leadership for Student Activities 11 2002: 38. ProQuest. Web. 3 Apr. 2015 .

This article will be useful to my research because it is an example of a school that has a program solely focused on the prevention of teen suicide. This is a key point in my article, so to have an example of a school with this program will help make my point stronger. While the article is short, it gives enough information to be strong enough for the example and nothing else. 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

3 Sources

Grey, Darren. "Depression in Teens Widens." Newspaper. The Age. The Age Company Limited, 25 July    2007. Web. 25 Mar. 2015.

Mahoney, Diana. "Pediatric News." Disordered Eating Linked to Thoughts of Suicide in Teens 42.8.Aug 2008 (2008): n. pag. Web. 26 Mar. 2015.

Bratsis, Michael E. "Preventing Teen Suicide." The Science Teacher 81.6 (2014): 14. ProQuest.  Web. 27 Mar. 2015.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Source for Research Paper

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Vintage Ad

Snow Day

When I first watched the video and read the assignment, I immediately thought of my friend Javier. When I first moved to Bolingbrook my freshman year of high school, Javier was one of the first people I met. Throughout high school we became closer and closer, and Javi was always one of the people I would ask advice from. He always seemed to be very down to earth and he knew the answers to everything. My senior year of high school, not even one month into the school year, Javier passed away. When someone close to you is torn from your life with no warning, getting over it is a long process, a process I'm still in. I spent months crying over Javi, until my best friends mom sat down with me and helped me let go. She told me to think of the person he was, and how he would never want us to be crying over him, he would want us to be celebrating his life. I never understood that concept, celebrating his life. I could never imagine celebrating and being happy without him there with us. She then reminded me of the times I would go to Javi for advice, and he would always tell me "just let it go, Anna, you're not going to get anywhere holding on to this bullshit." After she repeated his advice to me, she told me about something she strongly believes. When someone is put to rest, crying and crying over them does not let them rest. A spirit will not rest until his loved ones are happy, and not worrying anymore. The combined pieces of advice gave me the strength that I needed to say goodbye to Javi, and to let go. If I would've never had that conversation with my best friends mom, if I never would've let go of my friend, I would not be in college today. I would be curled in a ball in my bed, and I would remain in my bed until I was reunited with him. To this day, there is not a single day that passes where I don't miss Javi and wish he was with me. I don't see a day in the future where Javi won't cross my mind. I think letting go of the pain and sadness that came with his death was very important for me, because now I hold on to the good memories we had.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Good/Bad Email


I wanted to let you know in advance that I will not be in class on Friday, January 30th due to a family emergency. I have already talked to (Student name) and she will get a copy of all the assignments and notes for me. I will meet with her on Monday before class to assure I am up to date on all class assignments. 

Thank you, 

Annalise Harvey.

Hey, I'm not gonna be in class tomorrow. I'm busy. Thanks, Annalise.